The Unidentified (Aerial | Cyber) Phenomena Data Problem

The US military lacks enough quality data about UAP in their airspace to understand what the objects are or what their intents might be.

The civilian world has this problem too, so the UAP community ends up arguing endless over a small number of low-quality images or limited testimony.

This lack of relevant data to understand something unexpected in our airspace is surprisingly similar to what we face in cyberspace as well. Borrowing from my experience working in the network intrusion detection space, I put together a video describing a basic data management system to address the UAP data problem.

I then put together a second video showing how the same basic elements of the UAP data management system can be used in cyberspace as well.

Each video is about 9 minutes long.

I hope those interested in the UAP issue watch the first one.

For those in the cybersecurity space, I hope you will see the parallels between what is needed to address the UAP issue and what we do in cyberspace.

UAP Data Management System

Unidentified Cyber Phenomena Data Management System